Обзор положений различных психологических систематизаций
Адаптационная теория эмоций
Роберт Плутчик
Психологические защиты
Психоаналитическая диагностика Нэнси Мак-Вильямс
Интегральный подход
Кен Уилбер
Большой круг мандал
Джоан Келлог
Нейро-лингвистическое программирование
Грегори Бейтсон
Психологическое развитие
Д.Б. Эльконин
Позитивная психология
Михай Чиксентмихайи
Rational emotive behavior therapy
An active-directive, philosophically and empirically based psychotherapy, the aim of which is to resolve emotional and behavioral problems and disturbances and to help people to lead happier and more fulfilling lives.
Транзактный анализ
Эрик Берн
The 24 Universal Character Strengths
In the 1990s, Dr. Martin Seligman and Dr. Christopher Peterson began examining the best qualities in people. After several years of research, they identified 24 character strengths universally found in everyone. When individuals build on these strengths, research finds, it can improve their quality of life.